Thursday, July 10, 2008

i really liked the happiness project.i did some of these tips that lead to happiness. the first thing is to call my friends ,, so i called them and i called my family too ,,I really felt HAPPIER but then i started crying =( i want to go back home ,, montreal sucks (N). the second thing i did is to act happy and put a smile on my face ,, actually im almost happy without pretending lol. i listened to music too which is something i do when im cleaning the apartment =\.
in the end ,, i think some of these tips are helpful to cheer us up but not all of them .

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hi Rasha - if any of the tips can help, that's a good thing. I remember the first day of our happiness unit, you said the happiest smile fit your life. I hope you are still feeling happy overall. I know it must be hard to be away from your family. Maybe you can spend some time with some of your classmates and do something fun together!